
The mechanical components of the BioCompact® C system are set up in the basin.  Then, the electronic control system and sensors are installed. After connecting the BioCompact® unit to influent and effluent pipes and to a source of electricity, the system is ready for operation.


Ordinary maintenance includes a monthly check of the activated sludge’s concentration and a bimonthly cleaning of the system’s sensors. The frequency of discarding accumulated waste (non-biodegradable material, sand, and excess sludge) largely depends on the influent quality, and thus, on the habits of the population connected to the treatment system.


Type Capacity length (m) width (m) depth (m) flow (m3/d)
C500 Population: 500 12.5 6.0 4.0 75
C750 Population: 750 12.0 7.0 4.5 150
C1000 Population: 1,000 13.5 8.0 5.0 200
C1500 Population: 1,500 15.5 9.0 5.5 300
C2000 Population: 2,000 17.5 10.0 4.0 400
C2500 Population: 2,500 19.5 11.0 6.0 500
C3000 Population: 3,000 18.0 15.5 5.5 600
C4000 Population: 4,000 20.0 17.5 6.0 800
C5000 Population: 5,000 22.0 19.5 6.0 1,000